Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thing #21

I actually really enjoyed this Thing assignment. Especially once I got the website to cooperate. I had some difficulties with uploading more than one photo at a time and for a while I had to refresh the page after every time I would upload a picture and it wouldn't let me do another one afterwards. I so ended up making a quick video of my family because they mean the world to me; link is at the bottom of the post. I think this is a cool website and easy for people to use (as long as they aren't technologically challenged like myself). I could see this being used as like a project for the the first week or two of school as a way to have students introduce one another in a fun and creative way. Instead of having to do the awkward stand up and say three things about yourself and so on.

My family

Is it the end or just the beginning??

To be perfectly honest, I am so glad this assignment is done. I mean it was very educational and I got a lot out of it, but my word did it take forever with some of the blogs. Also I think I downloaded somethings incorrectly due to the fact that my computer is a little bit slower now...but I digress...I think that the title means that it is only the end of this assignment and soon to be the end of this class, but it is the beginning stepping stones to what we hope to be our dream careers. Teachers! I mean who wouldn't want that job? Well I didn't when I was in middle school and high school. I said the last thing I ever want to be is a teacher...and now here I am...funny how these things work out....

Thing #23

Learning 2.0 - 23 for teachers  did not originate from myself. I was just assigned to follow the instructions given from the link I listed in the beginning. The original creator of the 23 Things was hoping to guide people, obviously teachers in this instance, to become more organized. Even become more connected to make lives easier for themselves, other teachers, as well as their students. I personally have no clue how I'm going to incorporate the Creative Commons Licensing to my future classes. I will have to do more research on it and make sure I never use anything without asking for permission first...or else that would make my future lessons on this topic pointless for no student will listen to the teacher about not committing a crime when she herself did the very same thing she was telling them not to do. Basically using the "do as I say, not as I do" rule.

Thing #22

LiveBinder is an interesting website. I liked how when I made a binder and allowed for it to have access to google which made my search even easier. I did like the websites that came up with my search. The names of my "binders" are Art Project Ideas, Art Supplies, and Artists. The reason why I chose those was that they would allow for my students and students' parents to see what I have in store for the most part. Maybe they could even give me suggestions on which projects they would rather do.
Here is a link to one of my binders:

Thing #20

All I have to say about the "What Teachers Make" video is: wow! I mean, WOW! He was able to put so much power and emphasis into expressing what he wanted to get across about teachers, what they do and accomplish. He was very moving.
I am an avid YouTube user. I am always on it, whether I am watching it to find videos to catch me up on what I missed on my favorite TV shows or to just watch random funny cat videos. Yes I am admitting to that. But once you start it's hard to stop...anyways...I decided to do a search on inspirational teaching related videos in hopes to find ones as the one previously mentioned. I watched several videos and the one I liked the most was the one shown below:
I always enjoy reading inspirational quotes, so of course I thought this one was great and felt the need to share it with everyone. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Thing #19

I did signup for the TeacherPop website, but am currently still waiting for approval. So I shall continue on with the next part of the Thing 19 task.
I am obsessed with music. I need it for just about every daily activity. When I workout, working on framing, walking from class to class. It always calms me or just matches my mood depending on what it is. So when I was given an option to tryout a network made strictly for music, not gonna lie, I was ecstatic. is a fabulous website!! I was able to find playlists for all my favorite artists and add them to a giant playlist or create my own so that I can listen to them at anytime. It's so cool!

Thing #18

I am from the generation where everyone practically thrives off of social networking. Some are obsessed, some use it off and on, then there is the rare species that never uses it at all. What I mean by obsessed with it is that the person has an account in every new networking cite and are on it every day. My guilty pleasure is Facebook. I am on it practically everyday and post just about everything on it. I basically treat it like twitter except there are no character (amount of letters I can use to post) so I get picked on by my family--mainly my little sister--for posting my life story on there. Which now that I go back and look at what I post...she is right...I really need to work on it. I just like it because I was able to find people that I use to go to elementary school with while I lived in Germany 10 years ago. The night we all got back into contact was the coolest thing ever. Especially because I got back into contact with my best friend from second-fourth grade. So I see how the social media is necessary. It helps people keep up to date with everyone care about without needing to call them every day...not necessarily a bad allows for everyone to share things that they think whom ever is their 'friends' on Facebook would like.
I did create a Twitter account so can't wait to see how this goes....