Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Thing #18

I am from the generation where everyone practically thrives off of social networking. Some are obsessed, some use it off and on, then there is the rare species that never uses it at all. What I mean by obsessed with it is that the person has an account in every new networking cite and are on it every day. My guilty pleasure is Facebook. I am on it practically everyday and post just about everything on it. I basically treat it like twitter except there are no character (amount of letters I can use to post) so I get picked on by my family--mainly my little sister--for posting my life story on there. Which now that I go back and look at what I post...she is right...I really need to work on it. I just like it because I was able to find people that I use to go to elementary school with while I lived in Germany 10 years ago. The night we all got back into contact was the coolest thing ever. Especially because I got back into contact with my best friend from second-fourth grade. So I see how the social media is necessary. It helps people keep up to date with everyone care about without needing to call them every day...not necessarily a bad thing...it allows for everyone to share things that they think whom ever is their 'friends' on Facebook would like.
I did create a Twitter account so can't wait to see how this goes....

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