Monday, February 18, 2013

Thing #1

We were told to watch a tutorial about 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learning. The habits listed were fairly basic yet some of them I know would be difficult for myself. The first habit, beginning with the end in mind, is actually the easiest for me because no matter what I do I strive to reach my goal. For example, I've taught myself proper ways to learn how to workout and lose weight. With each new step I create a new goal and have so far maintained it. I think the hardest of the habits listed, for me personally, would have to be Habit 4. Habit 4 says to have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner. I'm not entirely sure that I can consider myself one in everything I do. The reason being is that A) I'm extremely shy, B) I second guess myself in somethings, and C) I consider myself to be a bit of a "Welcome Mat." So confidence in anything for me has never been my strong suit. Sure it has gotten better over the years, but it's not all that great.
But hopefully I will be able to work on this habit as well as the others, and better myself in becoming a well rounded Lifelong Learner.

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